Mexican Tradition
#TerraMom Paola Araya
“Día de Muertos” is a traditional Mexican celebration to honor the dead.
It takes place on November 1 and 2 and is linked to the Catholic celebrations of All Saints Day and the Day of the Dead.
The altar is a fundamental element of this tradition. It consists of the placement of food, beverages, and ítems favored in life by the diseased, it also includes a picture of said person.
In La Huasteca Potosina, which is a region located in the state of San Luis Potosí, this celebration is called “XANTOLO”. The altar is made with palmilla (leaf). It is also decorated with Cempasúchil (flower), salt, copal (Mexican incense), pan de muerto (bread), candles, and papel picado (shredded colorful paper).
For this event, relatives gather to dance and be merry, to enjoy the presence “of their loved ones for that day”.

El Colegio Internacional Terranova pertenece al grupo de escuelas IB en México y es considerado de los mejores colegios laicos en San Luis Potosí, gracias a su certificación de Bachillerato Internacional.
El Terranova forma parte de los colegios bilingües en San Luis Potosí y cuenta con todos los niveles educativos.
De las escuelas IB en San Luis, el Terranova es la única que cuenta con los tres programas, lo que la convierte en una institución de Excelencia Académica.